Unlock your creative flow and awaken the Artist within.

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Learn my 3 step method to unlock your creativity!

This course is for you if:

-You want to experience more creative flow in your life and connect to the Soul.

-You are inspired by flowers and your inner child dances like a dervish at the sight of them.

-You love the Earth and feel a connection to her beauty.

-You want to live a life full of creative passion and deep connection to the Earth.

There was a time in my life when I had depression so heavy, I would question why I signed up to be here on Earth. I felt purposeless. When I found out from a Soul whisper, that it was because I was not creating, I decided to face all of my fears and listen to the call of my purpose and Soul. And guess what? My depression vanished. Creation IS the energy I serve, the healing “modality” that works with your specific Soul blueprint for greater expansion and depth. Whether you want to create as a visual artist, a poet, designer, or create a new business, I believe this is everyone’s birthright! If you are ready to listen to the call of our Soul, join me for my mini course!

Welcome! My name is

Ashley Ormaza

I am a floral artist and Intuitive Healer, and have been a creative channel for the past 14 years, forever deriving my inspiration from Nature.

This mini course is a compilation of my deepest passions of creativity, flowers and spirituality. I’ve often desired to weave all of these together and would love to share my unique perspective on how to open to your own Creative force within.